Spring Sports
West Seattle High School Spring Sports
Spring Sports Offered:
Girls Sports | Cut Sport? |
Girls Track | No |
Girls Fastpitch Softball | Yes |
Girls Tennis | Yes |
Boys Sports | Cut Sport? |
Boys Track | No |
Boys Baseball | Yes |
Boys Soccer | Yes |
Boys Tennis | Yes |
Is your Wildcat registered for sports this school year?
“We are very excited to announce that the West Seattle High School is launching FinalForms, an online system that will help us boost compliance and safety. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign forms from your computer, tablet, or mobile device.
The best news is: FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice!
FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time if you have multiple children.
You may login any time to update information including emergency medical contacts and information. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and any time you make an update.
We are asking that ALL parents of athletes use FinalForms.
Does Your Wildcat Need an Updated Physical?
NeighborCare Health (located in West Seattle HS) is currently doing physicals for all West Seattle HS Athletes! Appointments need to be scheduled in advance. All students should arrive wearing a mask and follow all social distancing expectations.
NeighborCare Health Contact:
sbhs@neighborcare.org 206-658-8048
Follow Your Favorite Wildcats on Social Media
- Twitter Handle: WSHSAthletics1
- Instagram Handle: westseattle.athletics
- Facebook Handle: West Seattle High School Athletics
Wildcat Girls Fastpitch Softball
Head Coach: Kyler Tsukada
Contact Information: kyler.tsukada26@gmail.com
Practice and Tryout Location: SWAC Upper Field First Day of Practice: March 3
- Parent / Student Meeting in the Library at 6:00pm
- Practice will be at SWAC (Upper Field) beginning Tuesday 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Normal Practice Times: Monday – Friday: 4:00pm – 5:45pm
Incoming Transfers: contact Mr. Sorenson ASAP: cjsorenson@gt5cheats.com
Students need to have all their paperwork completed on FinalForms, ASB Sticker Purchased (WSHS Fiscal Office $50), as well as their physical updated
PRIOR to the first practice on March 3
Wildcat Girls & Boys Tennis
Head Coach: Stuart Thompson
Contact Information: rutabaga24@gmail.com
Practice Location: Lincoln Park Tennis Courts *We will meet in the main WSHS gym if raining*
First Day of Practice: March 3
Practice Times: Monday – Friday: 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Incoming Transfers: contact Mr. Sorenson ASAP: cjsorenson@gt5cheats.com
Students need to have all their paperwork completed on FinalForms, ASB Sticker Purchased (WSHS Fiscal Office $50), as well as their physical updated
PRIOR to the first practice on March 3
Wildcat Girls & Boys Track and Field
Head Coach: Doug Cooper
Contact Information: westseattletrack@gmail.com
Practice and Tryout Location: West Seattle High School & SWAC
First Day of Practice: March 3
Practice Dates & Times: Monday – Thursday: 4:00pm – 6:00pm, Saturday: 10am-11:30am
*Practices may differ depending on event groups*
Location: WSHS Commons the first two days. Event groups will break off to different locations from there.
Incoming Transfers: contact Mr. Sorenson ASAP cjsorenson@gt5cheats.com
Students need to have all their paperwork completed on FinalForms, ASB Sticker Purchased (WSHS Fiscal Office $50), as well as their physical updated
PRIOR to the first practice on March 3
Wildcat Boys Baseball
Head Coach: Ryan Ramsower
Contact Information: rramsower6@gmail.com
Practice and Tryout Location: West Seattle High School: Hiawatha Field
Tryout Dates: March 3
Normal Practice Times: Monday – Friday, 4:00pm – 5:45pm.
Incoming Transfers: contact Mr. Sorenson ASAP: cjsorenson@gt5cheats.com
Students need to have all their paperwork completed on FinalForms, ASB Sticker Purchased (WSHS Fiscal Office $50), as well as their physical updated
PRIOR to the first practice on March 3
Wildcat Boys Soccer
Head Coach: Andres Lara
Contact Information: andres_lara_rodriguez@hotmail.com
Practice Location: Walt Hundley Playfield
Tryout Dates: March 3
Normal Practice Times: Monday – Friday, 4:00pm – 5:45pm.
Incoming Transfers: contact Mr. Sorenson ASAP: cjsorenson@gt5cheats.com
Students need to have all their paperwork completed on FinalForms, ASB Sticker Purchased (WSHS Fiscal Office $50), as well as their physical updated
PRIOR to the first practice on March 3